Erin Hughes
Erin is a sixth-year graduate student at Northwestern University. She received her B.A. in Psychology from Monmouth University in 2016 and her M.S. in Psychology from Villanova University in 2018. Erin's research interests include how the self-concept changes within romantic relationships and the subsequent outcomes of this, self-expansion, and more recently, how couples showcase resiliency while dealing with the hardships of incarceration. Click here for Erin's CV.
Hughes, E. K., Slotter, E. B., & Emery, L. F. (in press). Expanding me, loving us: Self-expansion preferences, experiences, and romantic relationship commitment. Self and Identity. [Download]
Hughes, E. K. (in press). Validating students’ diverse identities. In Samantha Clem (Ed) Exploring how we teach: Lived experiences, lessons, and research for graduate students by graduate students, University Press of Colorado, Colorado.
Emery, L. F., Hughes, E. K., & Gardner, W. L. (2022). Confusion or clarity? Examining a possible tradeoff between self-expansion and self-concept clarity. Social Psychological and Personality Science. Advance online publication. [Download]
Slotter E.B., & Hughes E.K. (2020) You complete me: Antecedents and moderators of relationship-induced self-concept change. In B. A. Mattingly, K. P. McIntyre, & G. W. Lewandowski (Eds.), Interpersonal relationships and the self-concept (pp. 21 - 36). Springer Publishing: New York, NY.
Hughes, E. K., Slotter, E. B., & Lewandowski, G. W. (2019). Expanding who I am: Validating the preferences for self-expansion scale. Journal of Personality Assessment. Advance online publication. [Download}
Tomlinson, J. M., Hughes, E. K., Lewandowski, G. W., Aron, A., & Geyer, R. (2018). Do shared self-expanding activities have to be physically arousing? Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. Advance online publication. [Download]