Natalie Olson Receives Summer Research Grant

Natalie Olson, an undergraduate research assistant in the lab, received a Summer Undergraduate Research Grant to support an independent research project. Her project will study the experience of first-generation / low-income students and the role that their close relationships play in their identities.

New PSPB Paper on Couple Identity Clarity by Lydia Emery, Eli Finkel, and Colleagues

This paper examines the novel construct of couple identity clarity—the extent to which an individual, as one of two partners in a romantic relationship, believes that the two of them know who they are as a couple. High couple identity clarity predicts greater relationship commitment, less likelihood of breakup, and may be enhanced by successful conflict resolution.

Emery, L. F., Gardner, W. L., Carswell, K. L., & Finkel, E. J. (in press). Who are “we”? Couple identity clarity and romantic relationship commitment. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin. 

RAMLAB Undergraduates Present Posters at SPSP


RAMLAB undergraduates Kaylee Guajardo and Hope Salvador each presented a poster at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) conference in New Orleans. Kaylee’s poster reported on her research on the new construct of sexual self-insight and its links with attachment anxiety and relationship commitment. Hope’s poster focused on her work examining social class and stress, and how these influence relationship outcomes.

DRRC Grant Awarded to Lydia Emery

Lydia Emery received a grant from the Dispute Resolution Research Center in the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, funding a research project examining how social class affects conflict dynamics in romantic relationships.

Four RAMLAB Undergrads Receive Summer Research Grants

Four RAMLAB undergraduate research assistants have received grants for Summer 2019. Kaylee Guajardo and Hope Salvador each received a Summer Undergraduate Research Grant to support independent research projects, Steven Du received a Summer Internship Grant Program grant, and Natalie Olson received an Undergraduate Research Assistant Program grant.

Erin Hughes Wins Master's Thesis Award

Erin Hughes received the Ingeborg L. and O. Byron Ward Outstanding Thesis Award from Villanova University. The award is given to an MS student for a particularly excellent thesis and thesis project. Erin’s master’s thesis validated a new measure of self-expansion preferences and examined how differing motivation to self-expand between romantic couples impacted both individual and relational well-being. 

New JSPR Paper on Self-Expansion by Erin Hughes and Colleagues

Previous research examining self-expansion has typically combined self-expansion and arousal within the same activity. This paper determines that self-expansion, not arousal, drives the benefits of these activities on relationship and individual well-being.

Tomlinson, J. M., Hughes, E. K., Lewandowski, G. W., Aron, A., & Geyer, R. (2018). Do shared self-expanding activities have to be physically arousing? Journal of Social and Personal Relationships. Advance online publication.

Grace Larson Accepts Postdoctoral Fellowship

Grace Larson has accepted a postdoctoral fellowship to work with Wilhelm Hofmann and Francesca Righetti at the University of Cologne. She will be researching how implicit partner evaluations are influenced by everyday behavior in romantic relationships, as well as how these evaluations affect partners' interactions with each other.

New PSPB Paper on Attachment Avoidance and Self-Concept Clarity by Lydia Emery, Kathleen Carswell, Eli Finkel, and Colleagues

The paper examines potential costs to the self-concept of attachment avoidance. Avoidant individuals experience low self-concept clarity, in part because they do not receive self-verification from their romantic partners. 

Emery, L. F., Gardner, W. L., Carswell, K. L., & Finkel, E. J. (in press). You can’t see the real me: Attachment avoidance, self-verification, and self-concept clarity. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.